I2C library

Provides functionality for I2C master communication. It supports 100 or 400 kbits modes. Initialize:

var i2c = require('i2c');

Open I2C instance


Function open I2C channel with specified baudrate.

Number baudrate - baudrate specifies communication speed. Use 100 or 400.

Write data


Number address - 7 bit of address. This address is internally shifted to the left.

ByteBuffer|String data - Data can be type of String, ByteBuffer. String format is array of hex. values, for example. "00FF09B8"

Function callback - this function will be invoked when data is sent.

String err - null or error message.

Write bulk

writeBulk(address, data, callback(err));

Function writes bulk of data.

Number address - 7 bit of address. This address is internally shifted to the left.

Array data - array of arrays. When you need make a few separated writes, you can create array. For example, we need write two registers. First reg. 2A, value EF and second reg. 15, value 0A.

var data = [[0x2A,0xEF],[0x15,0x0A]];

Function calback



Function read data from I2C.

Number address - 7 bit of address. This address is internally shifted to the left.

Number num of bytes - number of bytes which will be read.

Function callback - function will be invoked when data is read.



Example I2C

var i2c = require("i2c");
var sys = require("system");


    if (err) sys.println("err:"+err);
    else {
            if (data!=null) {

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