Http library

Provides functionality for HTTP protocol communication

This library can be initialized

var Http = require('http');

Create Http instantion

Http new Http ();

Constructor creates new instance of Http object. For one Http request you need one Http instance.

Note When http request is done, you have to release http object. The object is not reusable.

Open http connection and modify header

open (url, method);

String url - contains url of target destination. For example

Number method - method sets one of two http methods. POST_METHOD and GET_METHOD

addToHeader (key, value);

String key - header's property name

String value - header's property value

Function adds some pair key and value into http header. For example: Content-length: 2002

Send http data

ByteBuffer send();

Function sends http request without body and returns response as ByteBuffer object.

Note For Http response code retrieving, use getHttpCode().

ByteBuffer send (sourceData);

String|Array|ByteBuffer|File sourceData

Number send (sourceData, targetFile);

String|Array|ByteBuffer|File sourceData

File targetFile

Function sends http request with body and returns response as ByteBuffer object or number of http response code. When targetFile is specified, response from server will be saved to targetFile.

Note When data is an File object, file has to exist. Function automaticaly opens file for read and sends to the server.

send (sourceData, function(httpCode, data));

String|Array|ByteBuffer|File sourceData

Function function(httpCode, data) - function will be invoked when HTTP request will be complete.

send (sourceData, targetFile, function(httpCode));

String|Array|ByteBuffer|File sourceData

File targetFile

Function function(httpCode) - function will be invoked when HTTP request will be complete.

Functions send data to the server in asynchronous mode. It creates new thread for sending and receiving data. When http request is done, it calls specified function with parameters.

Number httpCode - is http response code.

Retrieve data from response header

Object getResponseHeaderFields();

Function returns Object which contains all header fields from response header. You can access to any field by object.fieldName. See on example bellow!

Http example - Sync and async HTTP

var Http = require('http');
var File = require('file');
var sys = require('system');
//how to retrieve some data
//create Http object
var httpConnection = new Http();
//create GET connection"",httpConnection.GET_METHOD);
//add some property to request header
//send request and retrieve response to byteBuffer
var byteBuffer = httpConnection.send();
//print http response code
//print data
//print some property from response header
var ar = httpConnection.getResponseHeaderFields();
//ar is javascript object
for (key in ar){

//how to send some data to server and retrieve response
httpConnection = new Http();
//create GET connection"",httpConnection.POST_METHOD);
//response will be write to byteBuffer
byteBuffer = httpConnection.send('{"firstParam":"firstValue", "secondParam":["a1","a2"]}');
//how to send some file to server
sys.println("\r\nFile uploading to server\r\n");
var file = new File("a:/program.js");
if (file.exists()){
    httpConnection = new Http();"",httpConnection.POST_METHOD);
    byteBuffer = httpConnection.send(file);
    if (httpConnection.getHttpCode()==200) {
        sys.println("file was uploaded!");
    } else {
        sys.println("something is wrong! response code is "+httpConnection.getHttpCode();

//how to load file from server
var targetFile = new File("a:/something.bin");
sys.println("\r\nFile downloading from server\r\n");

httpConnection = new Http();"",httpConnection.GET_METHOD);
//null can be replaced by data in string, bytebuffer or file - data for request
byteBuffer = httpConnection.send(null,targetFile);
if (httpConnection.getHttpCode()==200) {
    targetFile = new File("a:/something.bin");
    if (targetFile.exists()) {
        sys.println("File size is "+targetFile.size());
    }else {
        sys.println("something is wrong! response code is "+httpConnection.getHttpCode();

//how to do as async?
httpConnection = new Http();
//create GET connection"",httpConnection.POST_METHOD);
var reqData = "ahoj"//'{"firstParam":"firstValue", "secodnParam":["a1","a2"]}';
//response will be write to byteBuffer
httpConnection.send(reqData,function(httpCode, data){
//wait 15 second
targetFile = new File("a:/something.bin");
httpConnection = new Http();
//create GET connection"",httpConnection.POST_METHOD);
//response will be write to byteBuffer
httpConnection.send('{"firstParam":"firstValue", "secodnParam":["a1","a2"]}',targetFile,function(httpCode){
        var f = new File(fileName);
        if (f.exists()){
            sys.println("File size is "+f.size());

results matching ""

    No results matching ""